From the past, to the future.
RX Japan is a company that provides services ‘in the business of building business.’
We will continue to contribute to building a better society by connecting people with people through exhibitions.
RX SDGs Action
01 We aim to create a worthwhile work environment
Promotion of health management
RX Japan believes that promoting the creation of a workplace environment in which employees can work vigorously and in a good mental and physical health will lead to sustainable corporate growth, and has introduced a Female Care leave system, covering cancer screening costs, and mental health care measures by industrial physicians and public health nurses to provide a wide range of support.

Introduction of smart workstyles
We have introduced efficient workstyles, such as setting no-overtime hours and seven-hour working days. We have also introduced work-from-home for all employees and all job types, enabling a working style that is not restricted by time or location. We will continue to make the hybrid working style of coming to work three days a week and working from home two days a week permanent and working to improve the productivity of every employee.

Towards a better work-life balance
RX is working towards a better work-life balance that is easy for both men and women to work in, and that harmonises work and family life. Thanks to initiatives such as a flextime system that facilitates staggered working hours, promotion of maternity and child-bonding leave, and a support system for employees on birth-related leave to return to work as soon as possible, more than half of our employees are already women.

Achieving carbon neutrality in the office
We have achieved zero CO₂ emissions in our offices by 2021 through initiatives such as switching all electricity used in our offices to green electricity.

02 Providing a platform ‘in the business for building business’ through exhibitions
Organising SDG-related exhibitions
Exhibitions bring together many people, goods, and information and generate business exchanges, including business negotiations. RX contributes to developing sustainable industries and industries through exhibitions on ions on various themes.
Organise exhibitions related to the realisation of a sustainable society (e.g. Smart Energy WEEK, Sustainable Fashion EXPO, Sustainable Materials EXPO, Green Factory EXPO).
Organise exhibitions to realise better educational opportunities (e.g. Education Comprehensive Exhibition, Digital Human Resource Development Support EXPO).
Exhibition held to support women's health and success (Fem+)
Organise exhibitions to stimulate regional economies (e.g. Regional Development EXPO, Wellness Tourism EXPO).
Organise exhibitions to improve medical technology and promote health (e.g. Medical Japan, Japan Sports Week, Interphex Japan).
Organise exhibitions for technological development and productivity improvement in the agricultural and livestock sectors (e.g. Smart Agriculture EXPO, Livestock Materials EXPO).
Supporting SMEs to expand their sales channels
Around 70% of exhibitors at exhibitions are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) without sufficient sales channels. RX supports the expansion of sales channels for all SMEs by providing a venue for such international business meetings.

Towards sustainable exhibition management
RX will continue to promote initiatives to reduce CO₂ emissions through the organisation of exhibitions and to pursue a sustainable way of organising exhibitions.

03 Contributing to the revitalisation of local economies
Stimulating local economies through exhibitions
RX actively promotes exhibitions not only in Tokyo, but also in other regions such as Kyushu, Kobe, Osaka and Nagoya. The economic impact of holding one exhibition can amount to several billion yen and has a significant economic effect by stimulating the local economy using accommodation, food and drink and transport in the host region.

Supporting communities, organisations and stakeholders through donations and sponsorship
Through donations and sponsorship of part of the proceeds from holding exhibitions to promotional organisations, the company promotes the advancement of women and environmental protection activities through tree-planting.

RX Japan in Society

Inclusion & Diversity
We aim to create a strong and creative organisation through Inclusion & Diversity.

Support at each venue at RX Japan-organised exhibitions is listed here.

Net Zero
RX Japan has set a goal of achieving net zero by 2040.

Social Contribution
Here are some of our specific actions to help build a better society.